Social workers across the country have a lot to say about the conditions we work under. The inequity we fight against alongside the communities we work for & with is mostly shared in our very own profession.  

This is what social workers, that have signed the petition, have shared with us...

If our country actually cares about the future of the people, then those who are on the frontlines helping others reach their potential must be compensated!! We are losing wonderful social workers to burn out and resignation due to being paid less than livable wages!

This is [campaign] so necessary!! There are so few protections for social workers and that should not be the case! Thank you for this petition! I hope it is received far and wide!

Social workers perform crucial services to society. Many of the circumstances that surround the families they work with could happen to anyone. The issues associated with mental illness, grief/loss, addiction, and even abuse and neglect are elements of the human condition, but they require action and intervention. Social workers are on the front lines of these issues. They not only deserve more recognition for their work to better communities and repair brokenness, but they deserve to be financially compensated at a rate that reflects the lack of desirability in this career path. Not many people have the tenacity and emotional strength to do this job, those that do should be paid accordingly.

This campaign is long overdue and I’m pleased it is at last beginning. Stop oppressing social workers! Stop exploiting us because we dare to care as a profession.